This column initially appeared in the August 2019 edition of Gaston Alive! Magazine.
Here’s a confession. I still enjoy Facebook®. I know it’s not cool to still love the social media platform, but I do. I especially love the Facebook Discussion Groups. You know the ones – where users huddle around a certain topic and sound off left and right on how they’re feeling. And the best part is, people don’t hold back. These groups provide me with news and information, and of course, endless amounts of entertainment.
Nothing seems to rile up a gaggle of Facebook group members quite like a
discussion on politics, religion and believe it or not, the fast food giant themselves, McDonald’s®.
For some reason, people love to pile on McDonald’s. They are such an easy target. No one seems to bash Arby’s® or Jack-in-the-Box®. Burger King® and KFC® always get a pass. It’s always “Pick on McDonald’s Day”, especially when it comes to the Facebook group that revolves around issues related to where I live.